Sunday, 29 May 2016

Wormy by Trichuris trichiura

Warming caused by a type of parasitic worm called Trichuris trichloro trichuriasis, this worm is often called the whipworm. Humans are a host [bodies to live and breed] of this worm Trichuris trichloro.Worm Trichuris trichloro is widespread in almost all areas there and is mainly found in hot and humid, such as in Indonesia.

Morphology or shape of a worm Trichuris trichloro
On worm Trichuris, trichiura females have a body length of approximately 5 cm, while the male worm Trichuris trichloro has a body length of about 4 cm. The posterior part slim as a whip, length approximately 3/5 of the length of the entire body. The posterior portion of the shape is plumper, the worm Trichuris trichloro female shape is rounded blunt and to the worm Trichuris, trichiura male circular and there is one speculum.The life cycle of parasitic worm Trichuris tri chiura adult worm Trichuris trichloro lives in the ascending colon and cecum with parts anteroom like a whip male maikos an into the intestine. A female worm Trichuris trichloro dip Riri Akan can produce eggs every day between 3000-10000 grains tenure. The eggs measuring 50-54 microns x 32 microns, Trichuris trichloro egg shape as a sort of rock with clear projections on both poles. Eggshells outer part yellowish and the inside straight. The fertilized egg is then removed from the host [man] together feces / stool. After the eggs out with feces, eggs then mature within 3 to 6 weeks in the environment is appropriate, namely in moist soil and shade. The eggs of Trichuris trichloro mature is eggs containing larvae and is a form of infective which means it is able to infect humans trichuriasis worms and cause disease. How infection can occur directly that if by chance the host [man] mine fan the mature egg. 

Then, from the egg turns mean Adi larvae that come out through the wall of the egg and into the small intestine. After becoming adult worm Trichuris trichloro, Trichuris trichloro worms down to the distal intestine and into the area of the colon, especially the cecum. So this worm did not have lung cycle [get into the lungs]. The period of growth from egg Trichuris trichloro was swallowed up female adult worms lay eggs lasts approximately 30-90 days.

Pathology, symptoms and signs of disease as Trichuris trichloro Trichuris

In humans worm Trichuris mainly live in the cecum, but other than that this worm can be found in the ascending colon. At the stage of infection with severe, especially in children, this worm spread throughout the colon-rectum. Sometimes seen in rectal mucosa prolapse due meng Jan NYA patients experiencing at the time of defecation or defecation.

These worms shoved his face into the intestinal mucosa, enough to cause trauma and can occur irritation and inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. At the point of attachment to it can cause bleeding. In addition, the worm Trichuris trichloro also sucks blood hopes ya [bodies / body where life] so that this condition can lead to anemia [anemia].

Patients trichuriasis especially children with stage infection Trichuris severe and chronic or chronic, there are signs and symptoms of infections that manifest as diarrhea that is often interspersed with the syndrome dysentery , anemia, weight loss and sometimes with prolapse of the rectum [secretion of mucous and the whole thick wall of the rectum past the anus]. Severe infections of Trichuris trichloro infection is often accompanied by other worms or parasitic protozoa. Trichuriasis mild infection is usually not accompanied by symptoms and clinical signs of the disease are vague or even equal one absence of symptoms and signs pen Akito Leh trip cauris trichloro worms. This trichloro tri cauris worm parasite found in feces or stool inspection routine

The diagnosis of disease by worm infections or debut trichuriasis tri cauris trivia can be enforced by way trip cauris discovery of worm eggs in the stool. Treatment of Diseases trichuriasis


In ancient times Trichuris trichloro infections very difficult to treat. Deworming drugs like thiabendazole do not provide satisfactory results in the treatment of trichuriasis. Right now the doctors give medications such as mebendazole and oxantel pamoate for treating infections worm Trichuris trichloro and can give good results.The spread of Disease and Abatement. The spreading disease can by Trichuris trichloro is through fecal contamination of soil with patients. Trichuris worm eggs will grow in clay, moist and shady places with an optimum temperature of 10 ° C. And please note that the use of feces as fertilizer garden is also a source of infections trichuriasis. In highly endemic areas Ter Jado NYA by Trichuris trichloro infection can be prevented with medication trichuriasis, manufacture good latrines and provide education about sanitation or personal hygiene, especially in children. The habit of washing hands before meals washed down with good vegetables are eaten raw is a very important effort, especially in places and regions which mc makai feces as fertilizer.

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